20 February 2011

Romans 5:3-5

I've realized that when I was in that relationship I started losing my big, lofty goals. I lost my dream of moving far away because it meant being away from him. I lost the dream of one day working abroad because I knew he wouldn't come with me. I started to settle for a comfortable lifestyle that I have never wanted to live, but that being in that relationship told me was enough. I'm not saying that he personally held me back, but I was so caught up in that relationship with him that I lost the deep relationships with myself, my best friends, and even God.
Now, six months later, I'm that big dreamer again. I finally think I have an idea about what I want to do with my life. I have the two best friends in the whole entire world that I've never been closer with. I've finally let my faith grow.
This is why I'm so happy with where I am. This is why any guys I may have been interested in this year haven't been a major focus of mine. There are much bigger things working.
I can't wipe the smile off my face or my soul. Every part of me is beaming.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Oh I know that feeling! I remember worshipping and realizing that my happiness and worth resides in the LORD. I couldn't get rid of my smile either. Write, write, write about this sister - you'll want to review it in the future.

p.s. I love you and am proud of you.