12 February 2011

 I'm currently reading The Ragamuffin Gospel with my friend Mary and part of it discussed how Jesus would share meals with people to form relationships with them. I found this interesting because over the summer I read How to Read Literature Like a Professor and it said that one of the most common literary symbols is sharing a meal and how it represents camaraderie. I'm quite a nerd in that I absolutely love it when things I've read connect with other things that I've read. It's for this reason that I'm considering a History minor to coincide with my English major, because knowing the historical context of a piece of literature and being able to place it in a time period is so extremely cool to me. Like I said, I'm quite a nerd.

Oh, as far as music lately, I haven't ceased listening to Death Cab for Cutie since my friends and I decided to go to the Sasquatch music festival in May that Death Cab is a headliner for. Check out "Soul Meets Body" from 2005's Plans and "Title And Registration" from 2003's Transatlanticism.

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