05 November 2010

September 22nd

Today, at convocation, I met a fellow John Mayer fan. While we were talking, she asked me what seemed to me to be a completely random question. We were talking about how we don’t like the party scene because it is a big waste of time, and she asked, “Are you a Christian?” Of course I responded with “yes,” but I couldn’t help but wonder how she knew. She continued by saying, “I am too, and I’m so happy to find someone else that is too. I could just tell because you seem to be really respectful and kind.”
I’ve been struggling with my faith the past year or so and to find someone HERE, in a school of 20,000+, who is also having trouble associating themselves with a church and someone who has the same morals and the same taste in music, for goodness sakes (that’s a big one for me) was sooooo relieving. I do belong here, I just have to find the right people to belong with.
More thoughts on the day: I’ve decided to focus more of my time on running and reading the Bible instead of dwelling over you. If that means I end up going to Dixon Rec Center three times in one day because it’s the only way that my mind can escape you, then fine, I’ll reach my running goals sooner. If that means that I sit in my bed and read the Bible for two hours every morning because nothing else seems worthwhile, then fine, because nothing else really is.
You’ll come around eventually. Until then, I’ll be becoming a better person.
“We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suggering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” Romans 5: 2-5.

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