05 November 2010

September 14th

Just as the generation before me saw the influx of sex on television, my generation is seeing profane language to be more acceptable. I’m not saying it is morally right or that I agree with it, I am only acknowledging it as part of our ever-changing world. I completely understand your finding the ”F” word to be offensive, because you don’t view it how I do or how the majority of my generation views it. I try to always be open-minded and allow myself to see all parts of something before judging it, which is why I can accept the blogs for their content and not their names, and which is also why I understand why it upset you. However, you must understand that I am not the one using those words. The fact that a blog that I enjoy chose to name itself something using a vulgar word to stand out (which is my theory on why they do that) is out of my control, and you must notice that neither the postings I reblog nor those blogs’ regular postings nor anything that I have ever written on here myself reflect the same vulgarity. At the same time, to my age group, dropping an “F” bomb doesn’t devalue a product that is otherwise high-quality like it used to. I did, though, change the links and I took out the word because I do truly understand where you are coming from. I didn’t even know it was possible for me to change the links, to be honest with you; I would have changed it sooner had I known. I must say that I had no idea that anyone even read this; I ultimately started it for myself as some sort of diary, but decided to post the link on Facebook because I am proud of my writing. It is unfortunate that I didn’t even know that anyone read it until someone was disappointed in it, though. Maybe I shouldn’t be so proud of my writing…
Anyway, I love you all, but you already know that.

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