05 November 2010

October 30th

Tonight, right after I had picked up dinner, I ran into a group of people from Cru heading to a haunted corn maze. On a whim, I decided to go with them, knowing that we would be back by the time my friend would be here to visit.
Long story short: the haunted corn maze was closed. Second-attempt haunted house was non-existent. Around this time, I received a text message from my friend saying that he wasn’t going to make it to visit. So, when all else failed, we all crammed into Yogurt Extreme, went to someone’s house to play Rock Band, and continued to another person’s house to sit around a fire and play Apples to Apples.
It’s funny how things seem to work out, isn’t it? I had no intention of doing that tonight, but it ended up being incredibly fun, and not only that, but it opened my eyes to a lot of things.
On our way back to campus, we drove by lots of people going from party to party, many of them girls in their very minimal-clothing Halloween costumes. It disgusted me to realize that this is what you want to participate in. You want to do the parties, the girls, the late-nights. I’m not saying that you or anyone that does that is a bad person, I’m just shocked by how much you’ve changed. We used to be on the same page and now you’ve somehow become less mature than when I met you. I just don’t find all that necessary. I had just had so much fun with all these wonderful people and I didn’t need the alcohol or slutty outfit to enjoy myself.
Every day my eyes are opened more, and every day I can feel my heart changing.

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