05 November 2010

October 28th

I need to get this off my chest. My poor best friend got an extremely long text message about this that probably made no sense whatsoever.
I know that I shouldn’t talk to Austin anymore. I know that it’s better for me to cut him out. However, I don’t think anyone quite understands how difficult that is for me. He was a huge part of my life for almost three years. Do you really think that I can just suddenly make that change? That’s the hardest part of all of this, that I have to lose a friend. How is getting mad at me for talking to him helping me at all? Can’t you see that I need your support, not your criticism? This is hard for me! The last thing I need is people getting upset at me for dealing with something the way that’s easiest for me. Even if it’s not best, it’s the easiest.
Also, I am not unhappy. All of these people that care about me make that impossible.
That is all.

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