13 February 2011

To me, music is it's own form of literature. It is for this reason that I tend to favor music that isn't found on Z100's top 40; I much prefer music with meaningful lyrics. I'm not saying all top 40 pop is bad (Katy Perry is, indeed, my guilty pleasure). However, I love picking apart a song's lyrics in regards to imagery, symbolism and metaphorical language just as I pick apart a well-crafted novel. That's something that often can't be done with songs about kissing girls and liking it or songs written in ten minutes (way to go, Lady Gaga, you sound just like Madonna). But I digress! One of my favorite examples I've found of symbolic representation in a song is in Death Cab for Cutie's "I Will Possess Your Heart." The song is 8 minutes and 26 seconds in all, but the first half is instrumental with a slowly-increasing buildup that is almost hypnotic, thus possessing your mind and ears as the singer is "possessing your heart," as the lyrics state.

Don't believe me? Have a listen for yourself :)
I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie

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